Spy Hunters

Tesher Syoleme is a a spy hunter.  Spy hunters live outside the class system. They have no need for it. However, they are technically a commoner.

A Different Kind of Spy Hunter

Tesher is one of four antagonists. He is an especially lethal type of spy hunter known as a spy jumper. He’s impressed with himself although he has no fashion sense. Spy hunters are to the Halcyon Age what a spy and physically adept fighter are in today’s world.  They combine technical skills that include analytical data with coordinated physical fighting abilities.

An Agenda Becomes Personal

Tesher Soyleme considers himself an intellectual. He’s unable to see that his not. His temperament causes him to make things personal. He overlooks details due to his hubris. He’s caught in a cycle of frustration without every understanding the cause.

His task with Dalton becomes a vendetta that will ultimately pit himself and Dalton in a fight for their lives. Fortunately, Dalton understands that Tesher is a concern, but he’s not his main concern. Tesher is after information. What he doesn’t realize that Dalton is after answers too and Tesher holds the key. What happens when the hunter becomes the hunted?


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