I once wrote lyrics in a song, If a man is what he think of, I can guarantee you true love.
Yes. It’s a bit sugary, but it’s sweet. See what I did there? More importantly, from just these first few lines you are drawing an impression based on my words. Not just my selection of words but how they are used for effect.
Who you are is defined by your words. The ones you think and speak. Your words leave more than an impression on others. Your words have meaning internally. You gather your own self-worth from your words as thoughts in your head.
Consider this. “You’re a fucking moron.”
Now let’s say it differently. “You’re decision is a disappointment.”
Sure the first sentence has passion. It’s pure invective. And while the second sentence removes emotion, it demonstrates higher thinking. It elevates your position in the argument with maturity. It may even cut harder at your opponent if that is a goal.
If you are what you eat, then your words are the meat. That rhymes. Makes some sense, but it's in bad taste. Get it?
Choosing your words over spewing your words does take effort. Yes. For some, it may be effortless. For others, effortless may come in time.
Have ever heard it said, “The less you say, the smarter you are” ? Concise speaking begins with building your stable of words. Explore them. Study them. Craft with them. Saying more with less is a good goal.
Words define you. Think of it. Dropping the expletive and articulating your thoughts of disappointment defined your equanimity.
Personally, my words matter. Words have always mattered to me. As a young boy, I couldn’t help but see that I had no ability to draw an image or craft a shape with clay in art class. I felt talentless. It softly ate at me through-out my childhood. I’m not sure why it mattered but it does explain why I wanted to excel in sports or beat an opponent in a game.
Then one day in my middle school years I found that as I was writing more and more, that could be my artistic ability. Writing. Words. I could fit them together to make something beautiful.
The artistry of what words could do for me is why for some time during my teenage years my favorite book was the dictionary. When I reached high-school, I was lethal.
While I wasn’t an eloquent orator, I had my moments. And if a subject was something I had time to consider in writing, I was compelling. I love editing. I think of every sentence as ad copy. How do I say with fewer words? Can I be more persuasive?
I was far from great, but I was putting myself in a position to raise my station in life. In this regard, I was becoming a self-made man. But my words didn’t necessarily make me a great writer. It took years to accept and change bad habits. Passive writing being my worst bad habit.
For all the bad, there was the good. My words were my friend even if my mouth was my enemy.
When you speak, do you pause to consider the words you’re about to utter?
Words are meant to communicate. Unless you’re writing a book with world-building, don’t fall victim to purple prose. To do so is to demonstrate your lack of control. Without authority over your words, you’re a clown.
Many who dabble in poetry the first time mistake purple prose for being poetic. Indulge, but don’t over do it. It can be a fine line.
What’s the point? Command of your words is as important as knowing them. Of course, sometimes you need to use them to learn you used them improperly. Mistakes are part of life. Learn. Improve. Just don’t be a poser. Tyler Durden was a damn good copywriter when he uttered, “Marla. You tourist.”
I’d argue those three words are more puissant than, “Marla you bitch.”
Be the only image of what you see that stands tall. What the mind see’s is where it moves.
Now that was spoken poetically. Concisely. Clearly.